About the Author
Novelist, Poet, Technical Writer, Scientist
Timothy Joseph holds a B.S. in Zoology, B.S.Ed. in Biology, M.A. in Biology, and Ph.D. He began his career as a high school teacher and science department head, became a college professor, corporate division director, and senior scientist. He has written hundreds of technical papers and professional journal publications. He was a weekly columnist with the Knoxville News Sentinel. He is a freelance technical writer and novelist. He volunteers his time giving Creative Writing talks at local high schools, and organizations, is a mentor, and has taught at writer’s conferences.
His debut literary novel, Four-Fifths, was published January 2000. His second book, Reflections On Love, (a serious, humorous, and loving journey inside the very nature of love and life, in short verse and narrative) was published in August 2002. His second literary novel, Four-Fifths Endowed, (sequel to Four-Fifths) was published in 2005, and his nonfiction work, Historical Photos of the Manhattan Project, was published in 2009 by Turner Publishing, Nashville, TN. His newest novel, “My Water Path” was released on Kindle in January, published by POF Press. This novel was built upon his youth in the south, growing up with prejudice and bigotry all around him. Even as a child he could not comprehend racial disdain. This novel is a testament to his belief in the equality of all, and his love of humanity.
Tim received a 1999 Technical Communication Award of Excellence by the Society for Technical Communication. In 2002 he won the Atlanta ‘WordWeaver Award of Excellence’ for his novel, Four-Fifths, and his writing was recognized by the Tennessee Arts Commission. Tim’s goal is to bring to the page the intense emotions of life, especially love, happiness, passion, and purpose. His search for and scrutiny of purpose and love has taught him concepts and truths that he endeavors to put into words through the use of voice, style, and metaphor. His essays bring to the page, questions, concerns, and thoughts about many facets of life.
View Resume
Rockwood Tennessee
865-354-6620 h, 865-228-2590 c
My Favorite Works
I have been involved in many great projects, here are just a few
An article I wrote for Invention and Technology Journal on the Manhattan Project —CLICK on photo to read article— (You can increase size... -
Oak Ridge Reservation
For over a decade I worked directly with High School English Classes to take a highly technical Annual Environmental Monitoring Document produced by... -
Our Portfolio
Technical, Scientific, And Literary Writing
I have over 40 years of technical writing experience having written thousands of reports and documents in numerous technical and non-technical areas, Including:
Technical Writing
- Environmental and Ecological Impact and Risk Assessment
- Limnology and Fisheries Biology
- Environmental Health
- Human Health Risk Assessment–Toxicological and Radiological
- Water quality–surface and groundwater
- Decision Analysis
- Next Generation Manufacturing Technology
- Integrated Management Technology Initiative
- Scientific Bibliographic Development
- Research Facility Environmental/Safety Appraisals throughout the U.S
- Conflict of Interest Management
- Literary Writing — Fiction and Non-Fiction, Poetry, Children’s Books
- Weekly Columnist for Knoxville News Sentinel
- Ghost Writing
- Facility and Company Annual Reports
- Professional Journal Publications
- Marketing Brochures
I am available for writing in any of these and other categories.
I give Creative Writing talks/seminars to schools and groups. I give talks to groups on “Why You Should Write” revealing many wondrous rewards gained by writing for yourself.
If interested, please let me know.
A Few of My Essays
Essays are a tool of discovery and release. They can be about anything going on in your mind, whether it be question, confusion, complaint, declaration, doubt, anger, love, and on-and-on. An essay is also a tool to learn and to teach, express and share. It can be timely, historical, or futuristic. Essentially there is no limit to the realm of the essay. Everyone generates essays constantly; they are housed in our head, your thoughts and feelings, your ideas and ideals. The only difference between people is that some will put them into words on paper or the screen, while others store them in the brain bank of feelings, to slowly fade away.
I have written essays on many topics, and will continue to add others as they appear in my mind. I hope they will seed thoughts of your own, such that you may learn something about the way you think and feel, and just maybe write your own essay. I thank you for reading my words and thoughts, for written words unread are wasted except unto the writer, for they do not grow or sprout new thoughts in another’s mind–the true purpose of the written word. THANK YOU
Poems are the Eyes into our Soul
Poetry is the emotion of life and love. It allows us to share who we are; our thoughts, feeling, yearnings, fears, happiness, sadness, and most of all LOVE. Every now and then I shall add a poem as a Blog, and then it will be put here in Poetry. I hope in reading my poetry, you feel a bit of what I felt as these emotions flowed from my soul to the page.
Thank you for reading–I wish you love.